Thursday, October 28, 2010

Punkin tines!

On Monday we had a little pumpkin carving fest! Little did we know that we would meet some people in our ward and become instant pumpkin carving and game playing friends! They are awesome! We are all BFF's already! Not to mention, they are way talented when it comes to pumpkin carving skills.
We ate fresh salsa from our garden (yes, our garden did barf, and we ate it with chips. What?) and many delicious and not-so-nutritious treats. But hey, that's what Halloween season is all about, right? Then we carved punkins and played Bohnanza (the bean game!). What a blast! Here come the amazing people hard at work creating pumpkin masterpieces!
Justin and Lauren...
The peeps!
The masterpieces!!!
Becky's (my personal fav - Have you ever seen George Washington at Valley Forge carved into a pumpkin??!???)
See no evil, speak no evil (with a single tear), and hear no evil (Cortney and DeAnn's)
Taylor pride! Woot!
Ahhhhhhh, freedom!
It's nice to have some new friends! We had a blast! Thanks, guys! And Happy Halloweeeeeee! (

Monday, October 18, 2010

Advanced Trauma Life Support

Every 3 months, my brother-in-law, Jody helps teach an advanced trauma life support class for doctors at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray. For this class, the doctors are required to pass a written test and a skills test (with a scenario in which they would be the doctor making the decisions on what to do for the patient). For this class, they need real live dummies to help them in these scenarios. It was so much fun getting all made up to fit the descriptions of our scenarios. Let me introduce you to the victims:
A 26-year old female construction worker who fell 35 feet from some scaffolding in to a pile of scraps.......
A 5 (10) year-old child who was caught under a garage door....

A 35-year-old mother who was electrocuted after climbing up in a tree to get her child's kite from a power line.....
A 7-year-old niece having too much fun with wax and fake blood.....

A 42-year-old obese liquor store owner who was shot twice......
A 24-year-old man who crashed on his motorcycle....

The victims.......
A weird looking mannequin who needs new hair and a nose job.....
Silly boys playing a quarter game 'til their knuckles bleed.....

It was a lot of fun hanging out with my sister, nieces and nephews, and my brother-in-law, Jesse!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kids' Day at the T fam's'!

On Friday, we had the great opportunity to have a ton of kids at our house! My sister-in-law Holly stayed thursday and friday night with her 5 kids. Before I knew they were coming, I told my friend that I could babysit her 2 kids. I also committed to babysit our other friends' child in the afternoon. It was awesome! We had 8 kids under the age of 9 here to play! It actually made it easier because they all played with each other! It was so much fun! The hardest part of the day was trying to get everyone lunch! Ha ha! We had a blast!

Fall Fotos 2!

Last Tuesday, I had the opportunity to take a nice little fall hike to check out the colors. It was so awesome! I went to Wheeler Creek Canyon at the top of Ogden Canyon. After I was done with my little hike, I drove up around Snowbasin to absorb the colors! What a beautiful fall this is, no? :)