Saturday, July 10, 2010

Echo Tri and July Birthdays

Me and my two siblings, Rhonda and Randy have recently been training for triathlons. It's a lot of fun and gives us something to work for. Plus, doing it with other people can help keep us motivated to keep getting better! Woot! We did the Echo Triathlon on July 10th. Because it was C's birthday that day (he turned 15!), we celebrated it the night before. We also celebrated S's birthday (he turned 3). We all got together at Rhonda's house and had spaghetti, garlic bread, and delicious chocolate cake and ice cream! Yay for birthdays! Thanks S and C for being born in July so we could have delicious cake and ice cream!

Girlies and the bunnies!
So dang cute!

It was a fun and relaxing night to get ready for the tri! We did stay up late talking, though - but I love that! It was excellent!
We woke up early and arrived at the race venue around 6:30. Woot! Here are the epic photos Cortney took of us all!

It was a great race! I did get beat by both of them, but we'll see what the next tri brings! :)
I love these guys!


  1. That is fun that you could all did the tri together. Nothing like a little sibling rivalry to make things interesting.

  2. Way to go girl! How was it? I can imagine it's kinda hilly! I need to come swimming with ya1!
