Saturday, March 30, 2013

Date Night!

Have you even had a completely fun date where you were able to spend time with your best friend and your other best friends that are also best friends with each other? That's exactly what we did! For my friend Lauren's birthday, we headed to a "surprise" place to celebrate! We played a riveting round of mini golf. It was hilarious and a lot of fun!  Here's the birthday girl with her best friend! (aren't they cute?)
 And me and my best friend...

'Twas a blast! For the last hole of the course, you had to hit the ball into this large sphinx. Since it was Lauren's birthday, we let her go first. After she hit the ball  into the sphinx' mouth, a large spray of water shot out at her and she got hit with the water! It was so funny because it was completely unexpected! (I guess you had to be there) 
After the golf game, we looked around at the arcade and then took a photo in a photo booth. Ice-cream was then eaten gladly back at the T household. Happy Birthday, Lauren! We love you! 

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